Mother Earth 

A serene beauty story unfolds amidst the tranquil embrace of nature, where the camera captures the unfiltered essence of the landscape. The color palette is a harmonious symphony of natural hues as if painted by the hand of Mother Earth herself. Against these majestic, shapely rocks, the models embody a harmonious union with the environment.


Photo: Patrick Viebranz @StöverArtists @patrickviebranz
Hair & Mup: Richard Wilkinson @richardpaint
Styling: Rebecca Lilford @bexlilford
Model 1: Jess Henry
Model 2: Petra Raubenheimer



London based artist explores the conceptual space between still and moving image through a series of abstract videos inspired by 64 Taoist hexagrams.

Charlie Davoli

Looking at the artworks of the artist Charlie Davoli is like rekindling the identity of solidarity towards the environment that has been lost.
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