Cristina Lefter

Cristina Lefter's intuitive symbolism is graceful as she explores how nature and soap have poetic compatibility. She paints the world you want.

Cristina Lefter NATURA DI BOLLE, 2018, Smalto su tela, 100×100 cm. Private Collection.

Cristina Lefter’s intuitive symbolism is graceful as she explores how nature and soap have poetic compatibility.  The artist’s soap morphs into soap bubbles that interact with the landscape decorated in an appealing colour palette that highlights the essence of the soap bubbles as organic, genuine and pure.  Yet there is an overall sense of delicacy and fragility at play with the interaction of the bubbles in this bucolic scene of bliss.

Cristina Lefter, NATURE OF BUBBLES, 2019, Smalto su tela, 80×120 cm. Collection of the artist

There is a subtext playing out in the canvas with the theme of the dandelion and its seeds. The conventional wisdom of blowing on the dandelion and releasing its seeds back into nature is an optimistic gesture of replanting hope into the world.  This optimistic message that hopes and dreams can come true but only if we are in sync and in step with nature is a soothing notion of spiritual complicity. 

Cristina Lefter, MOM CAN I TOO? 2018, Smalto su tela, 150×100 cm. Collection of the artist

In typical Lefter fashion compassion and gentleness give way to a more merciless and indifferent reality as dictated by the natural world hence the foreboding titled of the painting.The soap bubble becomes a powerful metaphor for the fragility of nature in an era of questionable eco sustainable global management.  Despite all of its awe inspiring and majestic beauty nature can be completely destroyed or quickly obliterated like the bursting of a fluctuating bubble of soap.

Cristina Lefter BEFORE THE FLOOD 2018, Smalto su tela, 100×150 cm. Private Collection.


Review by Kevin McDonald – Contemporary Artist Representative.

Cristina Lefter BEFORE THE FLOOD 2018, Smalto su tela, 100×150 cm Private Collection
Cristina Lefter NATURA DI BOLLE, 2018, Smalto su tela, 100×100 cm Private Collection
Cristina Lefter MOM CAN I TOO? 2018, Smalto su tela, 150×100 cm Collection of the artist
Cristina Lefter NATURE OF BUBBLES, 2019, Smalto su tela, 80×120 cm Collection of the artist


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